Featuring 1 exclusive DJ Mix, curated by acid rain
ACID RAIN - EP.31 - Guest Mix By ALPHA21.mp3
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<a href='https://www.tm-radio.com/e/12853'><strong>TM Radio</strong> :: ACID RAIN - EP.31 - Guest Mix By ALPHA21.mp3</a><br><audio controls controlsList="nodownload" src='https://www.tm-radio.com/access_mp3.php?mp3=l7l7k5' type='audio/mpeg' preload='none'></audio>

Featuring 1 exclusive DJ Mix, curated by acid rain
ACID RAIN - EP.30.mp3
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<a href='https://www.tm-radio.com/e/12759'><strong>TM Radio</strong> :: ACID RAIN - EP.30.mp3</a><br><audio controls controlsList="nodownload" src='https://www.tm-radio.com/access_mp3.php?mp3=l50a1h' type='audio/mpeg' preload='none'></audio>

Featuring 1 exclusive DJ Mix, curated by acid rain
ACID RAIN - EP.29 - Guest Mix By VegaZ SL.mp3
7 77
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<a href='https://www.tm-radio.com/e/12647'><strong>TM Radio</strong> :: ACID RAIN - EP.29 - Guest Mix By VegaZ SL.mp3</a><br><audio controls controlsList="nodownload" src='https://www.tm-radio.com/access_mp3.php?mp3=l0a0m7' type='audio/mpeg' preload='none'></audio>

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Acid Rain

Stefano (SL)

Airs Every 1st Friday, 5pm
Filtered by "2021" (reset)
6 Episodes found with 4 DJ Sets
Acid Rain started in mid-2018 by DJ and Producer "Stefano (SL)" to showcase the finest sounds of the underground universe, the music features sounds from already dominating to upcoming individuals in the industry and consistently showcases new sounds to the people of the underground music scene. Acid Rain is known for maintaining its quality as it is limited to only 12 shows per year in which the guests are carefully chosen to showcase their finest selection of uplifting tunes through an hourly Journey.

Acid Rain radio show promises its listeners a journey packed full of elevated progressive music with deep melodies and high-textured grooves.
Tune in the first Friday of every month and get involved.

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